When companies relocate or expand, they need the right people. Temple has the resources to ensure the successful recruitment and training of talent – giving companies a competitive advantage.

At the Temple Economic Development Corporation (Temple EDC), we partner with Workforce Solutions of Central Texas to host recruitment events and provide educational opportunities to train and grow talent. In fact, the Temple EDC is located in the same building as Workforce Solutions of Central Texas and the Temple Chamber of Commerce – the Santa Fe Business Center – serving as a one-stop shop for all things business development in Temple.

Most recently, our partnership with Workforce Solutions of Central Texas guaranteed that Niagara Bottling recruited top-notch candidates to staff their new 450,000-square-foot manufacturing facility in Temple, Texas. In October, Workforce Solutions of Central Texas hosted a career fair to incorporate Temple residents into Niagara Bottling’s growing family. With opportunities in production, shipping and receiving, citizens came out enticed and ready to join one of the newest companies making its home in our great city.

The success of the Niagara Bottling Career Fair is just one example of how Temple capitalizes on our community partnerships for the benefit of our business community. The combined strength of Workforce Solutions of Central Texas and Temple EDC ensures that our companies hire, maintain and develop a skilled workforce that drives growth.