TEMPLE (August 26, 2013)–Construction is underway this week at Temple’s Draughon-Miller Central Texas Regional Airport to carry out their largest project ever.

The $6.8 million construction project to reconstruct the airport’s secondary runway 02/20 is a big chunk of a larger project to also rehabilitate the taxiways and add backup emergency generators for airfield lighting and navigation aids, a total cost of $7.6 million.

Runway 02/20 is approximately 4,800 feet long and is used for crosswind training, flight training and helicopter operations, and also serves as a backup runway.

The primary runway 15/33 accommodates larger jet traffic and is sometimes unavailable to allow for maintenance.

The city will pay about 10 percent, or approximately $760,000 of the total project cost.

Taxiways to receive a facelift will serve both runways and improve the aircraft parking area.

“Already a beautiful facility, this project will provide years of low-maintenance service for the airport and Central Texas aviation users, paving the way for increased business and pleasure fliers at the airport,” Parkhill, Smith & Cooper Project Engineer Larry Valdez said.

Parkhill, Smith & Cooper is serving as the design firm and James Construction Group, LLC, of Belton was awarded the construction bid.

The project is expected to be complete in April of next year.

